Some experiments, I did.
Build beautiful websites using the latest and greatest front end tools. Use these production ready Nextjs + TailwindCSS landing pages to save yourself oodles of coding time and supercharge your product development process.
I try my hand at story telling. A spooky life like story told using some machine learning zoom effects.
Validate your idea before writing a single line of code.
Free Next.js + Tailwind CSS + Shopify starter template. Hook up your Shopify store and quickly deploy a full fledged store to test out niche collections of products.
Puzzling Tiles is the artsiest crossword puzzle you'll ever play. Rearrange the tiled images until you match the original. Sign up so your solutions count and you get on the leaderboard. Download the tiled image at any instance.
This little tool was inspired by a YouTube tutorial put out by the awesome devs at Tailwind Labs. Using this tool, you can quickly experiment with the Mix Blend Mode feature of Tailwind CSS and generate those cool photos for your projects.